MN PKU we’re here for you.

Get connected. Get answers.

Our Mission

Dedicated to supporting the community of people in Minnesota who are impacted by PKU (Phenylketonuria) and to support research for a cure.

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About Us

Providing support for the PKU Community since 1984

  • Funding local PKU research

  • Hosting PKU family gathering/networking events locally and nationally

  • Supporting the National PKU Alliance in a national effort to provide support, legislation, and research for individuals with PKU

  • Purchasing gram scales for families in financial need

  • Purchasing Phenylalanine Value Resources and Cooking Resources for U of M Children’s Hospital, Fairview clinic to distribute to families

  • Covering expenses associated with the PKU Foundation Symposium held for PKU families

MN PKU foundation is comprised parents of children with PKU

Interested in becoming more involved?

The events sponsored by MN PKU give me a community of people who understand my life.
— Sam Williams

Ready to learn more?

Join our email list and receive updates on our special events, opportunities to volunteer, and how we are working to make a difference in the PKU Community.